Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Africa has my whole heart.

Today I got really emotional more than ever before thinking back on my time in Africa and knowing that I need to go back someday. God has really been stirring in my heart to be content where i'm at right now, but all I think about is Africa and how much I want to go back for a long period of time whether it's starting my own ministry and adopting my own african children, photography work, teaching, working with victims of sex trafficking, journalism. Whatever it is i'm game to be apart of whatever God has planned. He knows my heart and he knows how bad I want to go back. I believe he is preparing me and giving me oppuntunities to lead up to that point. Growing me spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially ready to persure this desire that I have to go back to beautiful Africa for a long period of time (1-2 years).
Each day that passes by it's one day closer that I'll be able to hold a precious little child in my arms. Even though I don't know when that day will come. God does know. And who knows he could surprise me one day.
                                        Happy(Dan) and I. (:
Devotional I read today:
"A shy person shrinks back from many things that she should confront. There are many things she would like to say or do, but she's paralyzzed by fear. I believe we must learn to step out into things and find out what God has for us in life. A more timid approach may protect individuals from making mistakes, but the result is that they spend their lives wondering "what could have been" Bold people, on the other hand, make more mistakes, but they recover and eventually find what is right and fulfilling for them. Making mistakes is not the end of the world. We can recover from most mistakes. But one of the few mistakes we cannot recover from is the mistake of never being willing to make one in the first plac! God works through our faith, not our fear. Don't sit on the sidelines of life wishing you were doing things you see other people doing. Take action and make the most of life. "
2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Lord, I put my trust in You and look forward to moving into new areas of life. I will not sit on the sidelines any longer. Amen.  

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Little Junior

RIP Little Junior 

I had the pleasure of meeting this little child in Bungoma, Africa. 
He broought so much joy to my life in just the few weeks of being able to hold him. 
But he is in a much better place right now

I pray that God will be with the family and people will come through their path to comfort them in this time. 
I know the members of the churches, our contacts, etc 
are there for the family

I hope and pray that God will send me to my African home again.

Friday, June 29, 2012

My heart crys out.

Something I wrote up real quick but it's on my heart and my mind constantly...

For those of you who don't know about the amazing opportunity I was fortunate to experience back in August here's a brief description about it. I traveled to Germany for a Marriage of the arts 7 month discipleship training school. For 2 and a half months I went to Kenya, Africa for outreach where we put what we learned in Germany into action. Two of the places that i've always wanted to go to I went to in just a matter of 7 months doing missions. In the time I was gone it was a time as a daughter of God to grow closer to Him on a much higher level being being surrounded with 100+ students and staff who are passionate about using art to glorify God and fight against all injustices. Definitely being in Germany and Africa God opened my eyes to extreme poverty and injustices feeling like I need to fight against human-trafficking specifically. God will show me what exactly I need to do about this injustice in the world
Whether it's running a race “Run for Courage”, getting involved with Courage to be You and building awareness in different ways possible. Human trafficking is a big issue throughout the world. Several children, woman, men and families are suffering daily. For me I can't just sit back and do nothing with this devastating injustice through the entire world. “God has broken my heart for what breaks his” One of the things that i'd love to do in my life is to start up a safe house for victims of human-trafficking/orphanage with opportunities like
schooling, photography studio, music, regular bible studies, worship, different arts, cafe for the children to experience all things. I know it's something that God has put it on my heart to do this. I will have to take the different steps and different opportunities that will lead up to it.
Showing these children the real meaning of love that God has shown me everyday of my life.

The first few steps to take;
  1. go to school to be a teacher
  2. get involved with Courage to be You with meetings and training starting in August.

I'm continuing to pray about it. And if you'd like to join in prayer that would be greatly appreciated.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
God created them on purpose for a purpose”